Saturday, February 4, 2012

January 2012…

I can hardly believe it’s only been a month since I was leaving my “family” in Dallas and spending the night at Emily’s apartment with her and Vanessa. It’s hard to believe it’s only been a month since I’ve been back in Indy. What a full, crazy, blessed month! To be able to see my friends in Dallas and Rolla as well as my Echo fam at the Winter Retreat all in the same month… how awesome is that?

So, I haven’t kept up with my hopes of reading 8 books each month. During January, I only read four. But I think that if you take into consideration the amount of traveling I did, plus that I spent almost a week on retreat, I think it’s acceptable.

Now, I am welcoming in February 2012 with excitement. As I write this, my friends in Dallas are celebrating Groundhog. I wish I could be there to party and go to Travis’ play, but I guess we all have to grow up and leave UD sometime. Now is apparently my chance.

I am looking forward to many things this month, including a trip up to ND, a potential visit from my parents, and finally bidding farewell do my darn gallbladder.

Please pray for me and my students!

P.S. Congrats to Amanda Mebane, who just got engaged!


  1. Seem strange to me that the doctors would let you gallbladder go this long. Can I or the larger blog community get the information on that?

  2. Justin,

    The problem was that when I was in Rolla, I needed to have one more test before they could remove my gallbladder (called a HIDA scan). Because Rolla is a small town, they didn't have the stuff to do the test and it would have taken a week to get it in and by that point, I had to go back to work in Indy. So, I came back to Indy hoping to have the test done here. Then, I had a retreat I had to go on, so that took up another week before I could have it done. Then, the doctors in Rolla couldn't order a test to be done in Indy (because they're from a different state) so I had to find a doctor here in Indy to order the test. Then, he wanted me to come in for an appointment before he would order the test-- mostly his ego about being better than small country doctors. Finally, I had the test yesterday and am waiting for the results, which I should get tomorrow. He also ordered an additional test. He seems confident (as does my Rolla doctor) that the thing needs to come out, but that will have to wait until I can go back home for the surgery, because I can't be by myself and so my parents have to take care of me. Basically, it's a long drawn out saga and if I were still in Dallas, Becca and Denise would have just said they would take care of me and it would be out by now. Alas, I'm not, and so it continues....
