So, it’s been a while since I’ve updated this, I know. Between packing to leave Notre Dame, being at home with Dad and packing to move to Indy, then finally moving to Indy and starting work, I haven’t really had much time for blogging. All I can say is that I love Echo, leaving ND was sad, being at home was great, and now being moved into my new house is awesome.
I left Notre Dame a day after everyone else, so I got to say goodbye and then stayed at the house of a friend of a friend who was out of town (meaning I had a huge house all to myself, which was fun after dorm life for two months). My dad flew in on Sunday the 7th and after showing him around Notre Dame and South Bend, we left for our cousins’ house in Cedar Lake, IN. We spent a lovely day with them then headed home. Our trip was more or less uneventful, other than the tragic suicide of my tomtom (GPS), James. I’m in the market for a new one.
I stayed at home with dad for almost two weeks. Mom was in Spain for World Youth Day (she just got back today), so Daddy and I were on our own. We spent most of our time at home, either watching movies or packing, except for a day in St. Louis and a day in Columbia. I was sad to leave, although Dad says he took a four hour nap after I left (evidently, I had been wearing him out).
I moved into my new house last Friday, which is HUGE (pictures can be found here: We have seven guest rooms in addition to our seven rooms. There are four people in my community (Amy, Joe, and Patrick) and then three who live with us who are from the LaLanne program at U Dayton (Matt, Michelle, and Natalie). It’s pretty much awesomeness!
I visited Butler for the first time on Sunday, came for the ice cream social on Monday, and yesterday I actually started work. I’m planning Women’s Ministry, writing a witness for Sunday, and doing lots of other fun stuff. I love my office and everything, and am having lots of fun getting to know students and Fr. Jeff.
I’ll try to keep you updated!
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